Something that makes you cry
More than anything, hate makes me cry. I see it everywhere I go, unfortunately. I experience it a lot of places I go, also. Hate ruins lives. Hate kills. Hate creates more and more problems every day.
The intolerance in the world literally makes me cry. To say anyone is lesser than anyone else on the simple basis of who they are is appalling. Gay, straight, black, white, heavy set, poor, religious, old, young, female, male, differently abled, American, Chinese, intelligent, or not… it doesn’t mean you are worth more or less than anybody. You do not have the right to condemn anyone. None of us are second class citizens because we dare to be who we are. In fact, I’d say that we are some of the bravest in the world. If you have the courage to be who you are in spite of how the world treats you, then you are a head above the rest. I don’t care who you are. BE who you are and love who you are.
Intolerance will continue to try to strike you down. It will continue to make you cry, as it does me, but you have to realize that intolerance is by no means the end-all be-all. Those who discriminate are in the minority and for every bigot yelling “Faggot” across the street, you can find 100 people who will welcome you with open arms and love you for exactly who you are.
Keep on keeping on, my friends. I love you all exactly as you are.
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